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Written by 4:17 am Covid Fundraising, Tips

4 tips for following up with your digital attendees.

Follow up tips for digital attendees

#1 Provide electronic information cards

One of the ways your in-person services support your follow-up strategy is by creating natural opportunities to collect contact information. Thankfully, you can still replicate this part of the service digitally.

We have pre-created electronic information or PEW cards for you. Please use them below your livestream, so you can tell people to fill it out during the service, just like they would in person.

#2. Send thank you and reminder emails with important links

Prepare your emailing strategy before, during and after registering for the live stream. When a person registers, politeness requires that they send them a thank you email. But it is also a way for them to receive confirmation of their registration.

Finally, after your live stream is over, thank people for attending and send them all the important links to remind them of the different ways they can use to make a contribution. 

You should also send this email to people who could not attend. 

Some links you should include are: 

Giving Page Link

Texting Number

Engagement Link for Prayer Requests and Contact Information

For more information or to customize, visit:

#3. Re use your live video and aim even further

Facebook gives you the option to record your live stream. This should be used for promotional purposes on all social media channels and not just Facebook. Ensure your videos can be shared by your viewers by adding sharing buttons to your post. 

Adding a video thumbnail into your email also boosts the engagement of that email up to 300%.  

#4. Use push notifications

One of the best ways you can use mobile push notifications right now is to drive people to your livestream when your service starts. But they work well for follow-up after the service as well. After your services are over, that would be a good time to send a short notification pointing people to any follow-up items or additional content you want people to watch, listen to, or read. You could even remind attendees to fill out your contact cards to give your church more ways to stay in touch.

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Last modified: April 10, 2020

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